Category:Construction -> Installations -> Pipe work contractors Country:Poland Featured companies ARMATURA Spółdzielnia Pracy - Odlewnia staliwa i metali nieżelaznych
"ARMATURA" co-operative metal works was established in 1950 on the base of "Dawczyński & Co.", an enterprise with a background dated far before the year of 1939. At the beginning we manufactured industrial fittings only. The production started up in 1963 in the new settlement on Duńska street.
Three years later the first items of grey steel were casted. New regulations of environmental protection forced us in 1990 to establish a precision cast steel foundry. As the main[...]
Koneckie Zakłady Odlewnicze S.A.
KZO SA have well grounded traditions and experience in grey iron casting. Our company produces about 400 cast iron sewage products.
Product types, mainly:
- socket tubes and fittings
- non-socket tubes and fittings produ¬ced in accordance with PN-EN 877 standard (systems DKI)
- sewer manholes class A, B,C and D produced in accordance with PN-EN 124 standard
- sewer steps
- street boxes for water and gas installations
- street and bridge sewage inlets
30% of them are exported.
The company[...]
"Avitech" are deal with complex service in: advise , projecting and sale - house sewage treatment plants "Roth Micro-Step" famous producer Roth Werke GmbH.
We also deal with modernization and adaptation of cesspools onto house sewage treatment plants.
In our offer we have also water softers and fillters.
Cleaning water is our passion!
We realize investments in all Europe[...]